A Public Health Emergency has been declared in the ACT for the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Click Here for more information

Information about the Canberra Matrix invitation round on 25 August 2021 is now available

The next invitation round will be held before 2 September 2021

Doing business in Canberra

Three buiness people meet on Street in Canberra

Big ideas emerge, circulate and grow here, thanks to unique links between leading thinkers in business, government, education and research. These significant competitive advantages allow us to take those ideas to the rest of the nation, and to make an impact on the world. No wonder we’re a thinking entrepreneurial bunch!

Whether you’re an innovative start-up or a successful company wanting to invest in Canberra, the ACT Government has a range of initiatives to help business grow and flourish.

Business Support services

The ACT Government has a range of programs to help your business from grants and funding, business advice and resources and networks.

Business migration

If you are a successful business person who wishes to establish a new business or invest in an existing business in the ACT, you may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination of your

Find out more