A Public Health Emergency has been declared in the ACT for the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Click Here for more information

Information about the Canberra Matrix invitation round on 25 August 2021 is now available

The next invitation round will be held before 2 September 2021

Employer Nomination - RSMS

Canberra bushland


The Regional Sponsor Migration Scheme (RSMS) is a visa pathway for employers to nominate a skilled overseas worker to live and work in Australia permanently. There are three streams under this visa:

Temporary Residence Transition stream - you may nominate an employee if they have worked for you in the nominated position for at least three years on a subclass 457 / 882 visa. The employer nomination is lodged with Department of Home Affairs without input from the Regional Certifying Body (RCB).

Direct Entry stream - is for an employee who has NOT worked for you on a subclass 457 / 482 visa for at least three years. You must seek the opinion of the local Regional Certifying Body (RCB) about whether the employer nomination meets specific migration requirements before an RSMS nomination can be considered by Home Affairs.  

The RCB in Canberra is Skills Canberra, Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, ACT Government.

See Applying for RCB support

Agreements stream - is for employees who are sponsored through a labour or regional migration agreement. The Agreements stream does not require RCB support.