A Public Health Emergency has been declared in the ACT for the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Click Here for more information

Information about the Canberra Matrix invitation round on 25 August 2021 is now available

The next invitation round will be held before 2 September 2021

COVID-19: impact on ACT nomination

All applicants for ACT 491 / 190 nomination must meet the eligibility criteria at date of Matrix submission. However, applicants impacted by COVID-19 can request a waiver of the 'continuous employment' eligibility criteria in the following circumstances:


  • Applicants who are required to self- isolate for 14 days due to COVID -19 can request a waiver of the continuous employment criteria. A waiver request must include evidence of the need to self- isolate i.e. return date to Australia; close contact etc. 
  • Applicants must still meet the 3/6 months employment criteria (either before and / or after the self-isolation period) at the date of Matrix submission.


  • Applicants whose work hours are reduced, are required to take unpaid leave, or have lost their job due to the COVID -19 impact on an ACT business can request a waiver of the continuous employment criteria. A waiver request must include a written statement from the employer confirming the period (start and end dates) of the business closure and / or reduced working hours. 
  • Applicants must still meet the three / six months employment criteria before a 491 / 190 Matrix can be submitted. However each week worked that meets the 20 / 35 hrs pw criteria, either before, during and / or after the COVID -19 impact on ACT business, can be counted towards the period of claimed employment at date of matrix submission.
  • Applicants must be working for the required 20 / 35 hrs pw at the date the Matrix is submitted (evidenced by payslips). 

Request for waiver

If you are invited to apply for ACT 491 / 190 nomination, any request for a COVID -19 waiver must be in writing, attached to the application and evidenced by supporting documentation from the employer.